Week 8 Comments and Feedback
I think the overall quality of comments and feedback that I receive on my stories are very positive. Most of my comments are encouraging rather than constructive. I find when my classmates give me suggestions or ask me questions about my story, I think deeper about what I wrote. I would rate the comments that I leave "Good" but can be better! My comments are usually encouraging but I think I should challenge my classmates more and ask them questions about the stories they write.
I do think, when we read our classmates blogs and introductions we get a chance to get to know our classmates. Sometimes, it is hard to know your classmates when you are taking an online class. Laura did a great job on setting that part of the class up.
I need to do more research on the story and maybe even the cultural background behind the story. It is important to know the why behind the stories to fully understand what the author is saying. 

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