Reading Notes Part A: Johnny-Cake
This story, Johnny-Cake comes from the English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs.
This story is about a little boy who was supposed to watch the Johnny-Cake bake in the oven. However, he did not do a good job of doing so. His mother and father asked him to watch it while they went outside and dug up potatoes. I think this story is humorous because the Johnny-Cake is not actually a cake. It is a character that is made out of dough. I want to make sure when I re-tell this story that I keep the humor in it. I am not sure what I might have run out of SpongeBobs house but I definitely want to keep this part of the story the same.
Later on in this story the little Johnny-Cake wan past well diggers and told them he outran an old man and woman and a little boy. He said he could out run them too.
I just thought about what I can replace the Johnny-Cake with. I want to replace him with a live Jelly-fish and have him make grape jam instead of cake. I can name him Johnny-Jam.
In the story the two well-diggers started running after him too. However, he outran them as well and the story goes on in that way with different characters. Until he came to a fox. The fox tricked him to coming closer and then he snatched him up with his teeth.
I do like the ending of this story so I am going to keep it mostly the same. I amy change the way the fox draws him in closer.

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