Week 8 Progress
As I look back on the first 8 weeks of the class, I am not impressed with the progress I have made. I was having a hard time keeping up with everything. I am taking 18 hours and i was working two jobs during the beginning of the semester. I finally got rid of my old job. Therefore, I have been able to take the time to catch up and do homework on the weekends. Right now I am most proud of my project setup. The assignment that I enjoy the most is reading the new stories. I had a little bit of trouble with creating my website for my story book but I finally tired a different browser and I was able to get my problems fixed.
The second half of the semester I want to focus on making a good schedule for all of my classes and sticking to my schedule. I am anticipating on doing at least two extra credit assignments to make up some of the points that I missed at the beginning.
I do want to try to make stories that I can relate to a video snippet that they already have out with spongebob. I think that would be cool and it would give my audience a great visual.

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