The Day I almost Lost My Friend: Week 10 Story

Welcome you guys, this secret story is a little weird so be prepared. I remember it was at the weekend! My childhood friend Patrick and I always go jelly fishing at Bikini Jelly Park. It is like the equivalent of golfing for you humans. Only this time I noticed Patrick a little frustrated with me for some reason. Normally, we are having a good time but this time he seemed bothered about something.

We met at the Krusty Krab to grab lunch before we went jelly fishing and the first thing he asked was,  Why is the show called "Spongebob Square Pants" and not "Patrick Star Pants" ?  In my mind, I was like " Oh, for Krab sake!". I told him the show was mine because I worked hard to get this role. I decided to be nice and tell him he could have the title of the show if he brought three things to me. I told him he had to bring me Plankton, the Goofy Goober, and the secret treasure and I will let him have the title of the show. Patrick replied, "How in the Bikini Bottom am I supposed to bring the Goofy Goober and the secret treasure? I can imagine it will be easy to get Plankton." If you want the show to be about you, you will figure it out.

Patrick then promised him he would bring back what I wished for and stormed out of the Krusty Krab. I am not convinced that Patrick will find all three but I do think he will find two. He will never find the secret treasure. A couple days went by and I had not heard from Patrick. I was getting concerned. I thought maybe something happened to him. However, on the fourth day Patrick came to my door step and had Plankton and the Goofy Goober but no secret treasure. I was not surprised at all. I actually figured that he was not going to be able to find the secret treasure. He came into the house and the first thing I said to him was  "Patrick, you failed to keep your promise"

He said, " No I did not I have everything right here." He began to dig in his pocket and he pulled out a little secret treasure box. I laughed pretty hard because it was not the real one.

"What do you expect me to do with that fake treasure box you got from the board game?"

Patrick said, you told me to bring the secret treasure not the reaaaaaalll secret treasure. So, I went to my house and got the board game out and dug up the secret treasure. You must accept it.

I thought to myself he was absolutely right, I stared at him for awhile and decided that I could not accept the fake treasure. I can not pay any of my bills with a fake treasure if I gave him the show. Patrick was very upset and didn't talk to me for months. However, I went to his house and apologized to him. We are back to being good friends now. 

Authors Note: This story is from the West African Tales. I was intrigued by this story because of the title. The stories that were told are,  predominately about Nyankupon, the chief gods. However, the spider wanted the stories to be told about him. The spider also known as Anansi asked the chief for the stories to be told about him. In my story I decided to make Patrick be in the position of the Spider. I had Patrick bring back SpongeBob Square Pants multiple things so he can have the TV Show be about him. In the original story the Spider was able to bring everything back to Nyankupon and he was able to get the stories to be about him. I decided to change the ending and made it to where Patrick was not able to. I hope you all enjoy. 

Bibliography: How We Got the Name "Spider Tales" by William H. Barker and Cecilia Sinclair  


  1. Hey Taylor! I love the fact that I already know the context of this story as this was one of my shows growing up. With that being said, I think it would be interesting to give some backstory of how Spongebob and Patrick are aware of the fact that they are in a show. Did they sign up? Was the show offered specifically to Spongebob? I also think that it would be awesome to see more about Patrick's search for Plankton and the Goofy Goober! There are just some suggestions which wouldn't alter the plot of your original story.

  2. Hi Taylor! I am very happy I stumbled upon your story. I saw Spongebob was included and immediately loved it, since it is something I grew up with and have nostalgia for, as I am sure others do as well. I think the way you were able to incorporate a story from the West African Tales into something about Spongebob is really awesome. I hope to read more from you in the future!

  3. This is your best friend, Patrick! I read your story and I really enjoyed it. Although you talk about my jealousy, I forgive you. You’re my best friend and my favorite activity is catching jellyfish with you. I know how hard you work for the show, and I am thankful that I get to be on it. I’m sorry for not talking to you for a few months and I’m happy we made up. Best friends for life!


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