Reading Notes A: Life of Buddha
I chose to read about the Life of Buddha because I have always been fascinated with Buddha and the people who worship him. I first started with the Maya's Dream story. It started out talking about Maya's Dream and in her dream she saw a young elephant defending from the sky. It reminded me of a god from when I took Epics of India. The Gods praised her when she saw the elephant god enter her womb and she woke up in happiness. Queen Maya went to the woods and sent her maidens to get King Suddhodana. When he tried to come to the woods he was agitated and could not enter the woods. They were both happy when it was known that a great joy will be theirs. Maya was able to be a veneration to the sick, when they walked up to her they were cured.
This is a great story, it is so great that want to flip the story and make it a tragedy that she is with child. I want to make the child a demon or maybe her have twins in her womb and one me a demon and one be a great joy. I would keep the lines of the story about the same but change some of the events. I could even have the twins have an internal battle in her womb.

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