Reading Notes B: Noah Leaves the Ark
My reading notes for part be will come from Biblical Stories plus Apocrypha specifically the Noahs Ark Unit. : The Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg (1909): Book 1, Chapter 4 Noah [LIBRIVOX AUDIO].
This story is taking place after the flood has happened. The story starts of my saying the earth took its old form at the end of the year of punishment. Noah was scared to leave the ark because he though God was going to flood the earth again. He did not abandon the ark until God promised he would not do so. This kinda reminds me of when I was a little kid and I would make my mom promise me something before I would do a certain task. I may create a story based off of my childhood experience. Noah wept when he stepped off the boat because of how terribly everything was destroyed. He said to God that he should have had more mercy on the creatures. God had Noah pick two of every creature to save. I think it wold be cool to have the animals in the story actually be candy and have the earth plagued with the extinction of candy. I could do many things with this story. Every time I re-read the story I think of a new idea.
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