Time Strategies !


I believe to be successful in this class you have to manage your time very well ! It will be best for me to do my readings in the morning and do my work on Fridays and the weekends. I work Monday through Thursdays. The weekly calendar will be my best friend to stay organized this semester. Procrastination is the worse thing a student can do in this class ! Peter Banerja made a statement about making a list of priorities and choosing was is the biggest priority today and complete those! If there is free time, complete other priorities.

The articles I read was 11 Ways Unsuccessful People Mismanage Their Time  and 4 Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination

My biggest challenge will be how gauging how long it will take me to be creative and come up with a story. Last year, I found myself changing how I wanted to tell the story and starting over a story that I already stated which can take some time but I wanted the story to be good! The best time management strategy I have is to stay ahead! 


  1. Hey Taylor! I myself struggle with time management and usually find myself completing things at the last minute..whoops! I have a planner which helps A TON with staying organized and making sure I'm completing things on time. You would think that as you get further along in your college career you wouldn't procrastinate as much, but I'll be graduating in December and I can easily say that my procrastinating skills have gotten much worse over the years.


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